Gippsland Business Awards Launched 2024

April 9, 2024

Federation University Gippsland Business Awards supporters and sponsors joined together on Tuesday 9 April to launch the region’s most prestigious recognition event for Gippsland’s outstanding enterprises.

Awards Chair, Graeme Sennett, said that it was fantastic to again provide the opportunity to celebrate the determination, innovation and creativity of business and industry across Gippsland.

“With the continued support of our local councils and corporate sponsors, for 26 years, these awards have been able to acknowledge the incredible achievements of businesspeople from across the region” Mr Sennett said.

“Our finalists and winners gain so much from these awards. They tell us that whether or not they win, they benefit from the recognition that they have achieved a great deal. They meet other like-minded businesses and make meaningful connections. Importantly, it spurs them on to go further!”

As well as the prestigious Gippsland Business of the Year award, other categories recognised in 2024 are: Accommodation, Food Wine Producers, Health and Wellbeing, Hospitality, Innovation, Manufacturing, New Business, Retail, Business & Professional Services, Beauty and Personal Care, Mechanical Trades & Construction, and Tourism Activities & Attractions.

Winners will be announced at a gala event on Friday 30 August at Federation University in Churchill.

Mr Sennett told those at the breakfast launch, sponsored by NBN Local, that maintaining a strong, successful and highly valued business sector was vital to the growth, innovation and sustainability of the regional community.

“Thriving local businesses create an environment of success, which not only creates jobs but builds pride for those working in the enterprise. More importantly, they build Gippsland’s reputation as being the place that can deliver excellent services, driving economic growth and securing our future,” he said.

Nominations are now open for the awards, with entries closing on Friday 24 May.

Nominations can be submitted on the Federation University Gippsland Business Awards website – . Once a business is nominated, it will receive a unique email link to complete its entry. All entries are completed on-line.

“We urge all Gippsland business operators to take this opportunity to recognise their achievements by entering the 2024 awards,” Mr Sennett added.

For additional media comment please contact GBA Chair, Graeme Sennett 0417 509 149

2024 Launch Media GBA

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